Washington Peace Center recognizes Grassroots DC’s Liane Scott and FFOIP’s Stuart Anderson

From the Washington Peace Center:

We are proud to announce the 2013 Activist Award winners! Thanks to everyone who submitted nominations. There has been so much impressive work in the past year that we wish we could honor everyone, but these inspirational activists stood out.

We hope you’ll join us in honoring them and the entire progressive community at the Activist Awards Grassroots Gala on Thursday, December 12th, 6:30-11:00 pm.

Click here to buy your tickets today!

And the winners are…

Andy Bowen, DC Trans Coalition Eddie Weingart, Project End Gun Violence Liane Scott, Grassroots DC Respect DC Seema Sadanandan, ACLU-NCA Stuart Anderson, Friends and Family of Incarcerated People Voices of the 99% Youth awardee: Brenda Perez Amador, SMART, MLOV Lifetime achievement: Bill Galvin, Center on Conscience and War

Congratulations and thank you to all our awardees for their wonderful work for peace and justice!

Once again, we’ll be accepting ads to congratulate the winners, highlight upcoming campaigns and events AND/OR honor the Washington Peace Center on our 50th anniversary!

Free food! Cash bar! Raffle with exciting prizes! Great music! Dancing! Fun! Peace! Dust off your tutu and party shoes and we’ll see you there!

Buy your ticket today! The price is $15-200 sliding scale. $50 and up gets you a full color poster. $100 and up gets you the VIP gift basket. Buy your tickets today!

SAVE THE DATE! Activist Awards Grassroots Gala: December 12th, 2013 6:30-11:00 PM, St. Stephen’s Church 1525 Newton St NW, Washington, DC

5 reasons to attend the Activist Awards video by the Washington Peace Center