White Supremacy & the Police, A Love Affair

“Ghost skin” is a term used by white supremacists to describe those who avoid overt display of their beliefs to blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes. In a 2006 FBI Intelligence Assessment, the FBI Counterterrorism Division provides an overview of white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement at every level. . . . → Read More: White Supremacy & the Police, A Love Affair

Black August Finale

Black August is almost over. What is Black August? I found the following at The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement:

“Each year officially since 1979 we have used the month of August to focus on the oppressive treatment of our brothers and sisters disappeared inside the state-run gulags and concentration camps America calls prisons. It is during this time that we concentrate our efforts to free our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, and all other captive family and friends who have been held in isolation for decade after decade beyond their original sentence. Many of these individuals are held in the sensory deprivation and mind control units called Security Housing Units (S.H.U. Program), without even the most basic of human rights.” – Shaka At-Thinnin Black August Organizing Committee from “THE ROOTS OF BLACK AUGUST”

If you haven’t made it to any events yet this month, here’s your opportunity to make it to one final event.

The NEAR Act and the Future of Policing in the District of Columbia

After a two-year effort by District residents who want the city to use violence prevention rather than aggressive policing methods like Stop and Frisk, the Neighborhood Engagement Achieves Results Act (or NEAR Act) was passed. If the NEAR Act is to succeed in giving communities control over how they are policed, community members must understand it. . . . → Read More: The NEAR Act and the Future of Policing in the District of Columbia

Mother of Alonzo Smith and PACA Respond to DC Mayor’s Proposed Regulations on Special Police and Security Officers

In June, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced proposed changes to training requirements for special police officers. Pan-African Community Action thinks it’s too little, too late. . . . → Read More: Mother of Alonzo Smith and PACA Respond to DC Mayor’s Proposed Regulations on Special Police and Security Officers

Community Control: Stopping Violence In D.C.’s Communities of Color

Do you believe in full community access to the resources needed to realize a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of individuals and families, including: food, clothing, housing, medical care, and necessary social services. . . . → Read More: Community Control: Stopping Violence In D.C.’s Communities of Color